17 Quotes To Inspire People Pleasers

people pleasing quotes self-development Jun 25, 2022
17 Quotes To Inspire People Pleasers

Some days you just need an inspiration hit to get yourself back in your own lane instead of people-pleasing. These are just a few of my favourite reminders that I’m worthy of putting myself first and to stop giving so much to others. 

People pleasing is one of those things that can escape us while we are doing it, we only discover it in a moment of frustration when we feel taken for granted. So let’s turn the tables and get our needs back in front. 


Here are my 17 quotes to inspire people pleasers. 

How's it going?

I'm Lizzie Moult

I’m an expert at mindful living, a nerd when it comes to psychology, and my obsession is teaching others how to trust their dreams and create a life they love (without people pleasing).

A S   S E E N   I N : 

"Thank you so so much Lizzie for helping me unlock my emotions and understand who I really am!  I now feel like I can go after what I want in all aspects of my life. Plus I've developed skills and ways of thinking and approaching different situations that I will use for the rest of my life!"



The simple process

To STOP People Pleasing, 

that everyone should know about

making sure that you know what it's going to take to tackle this habit so you can reclaim yourself and your life without feeling guilty!

  • Discover the exact step-by-step process that I share with my CBT clients

  •  Identify your "Pleasing Personality" with a quiz

  • Get a clear, beginner-friendly guide that outlines how to stop people pleasing

Get Your Hands on the Guide