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EXCLUSIVE OFFER: When it comes to disrupting the need to please it's a journey.  In this jam-packed eBook, I share inspiring anecdotes for those of us who always find ourselves saying YES when we really want to say NO, doing MORE when we want to do LESS and pleasing the heck out of everyone BUT ourselves!! Get your journal out and use these 30 journal prompts to create the life you dream of! (**ONLY £3**)

The Empowered Pleaser Workbook

An extensive guide to show you how to stop people pleasing & start living!


♡ The Empowered Pleaser 43-Page Workbook
Learn why you people please and re-write your patterns with this 4-part workbook that asks all the right questions + has bonus journal prompts.


 Journaling eBook
Get the most out of your journaling practice with these insightful tips that will support you in establishing a regular practice. 

♡ 10 Min Guide To Let Go, Forgive & Accept
Start each day with this therapeutic journaling exercise that I ONLY share with my clients and community members. This is a total game-changer!

♡ My Journaling Playlist
Set the mood with my relaxing mixtape of tunes that I personally use each day for journaling.